Icelandic Horse Competition

Today Ragnar, a local Icelander and rider, introduced me to the world of Icelandic horse competitions at a local show just outside of Reykjavik, something you can experience traveling to Iceland on an equestrian vacation. Ragnar was another Icelander who would be fun to ride with. The night before the horse show, he had been on a midnight ride and BBQ.

The Icelandic horse is a source of national pride and though Icelanders don’t necessarily have to depend on their horses to get them around anymore, (Cars now do the trick) many Icelandic people enjoy riding at various clubs around Reykjavik and Iceland. For Ragar riding was a stress reliever after work, and sometimes before.

These riders were the real deal, as they competed in the tolt and pace. All ages were involved in the competition, which included a coffee break, where I was able to see the nice indoor riding ring and lots of people watching the competitors. It was a fun break from the saddle and glimpse into the real riding scene around Reykjavik.

Learn more about Equitrekking on PBS and the Iceland episodes and learn about exceptional equestrian vacations, including Iceland equestrian vacations, at

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