Postcard: 2009 USHJA Hunter Derby Finals

August 22-23, 2009 -- Ron Danta, chairman of the USHJA High Performance Committee, shares his thoughts on the ASG/Software Solution USHJA International Hunter Derby Finals.

Sunday, August 23, 2009
The ASG/Software Solutions USHJA International Hunter Derby Finals hit a HOME RUN!!! With a crowd cheering, stadium hunters were brought to an international level for the first time in history. I feel that anyone watching hunters for the first time were drawn in by the excitement of the course, the skill and strategy of the riders, and the display of America’s top hunters.

Hunter Derby winners John French and Rumba

I had so many people saying the entire event was “totally over the top!” Saturday night was proof that people still have a great passion for hunters and now people are looking to buy “Derby Horses.”

As chairman of the USHJA Hunter High Performance Committee I want to thank our sponsors, the riders, owners, trainers, horses, the competition managers, course designers, officials, USHJA committees and staff, media and the entire membership of the USHJA. It is because as a community we saw a need for change and we were all willing to take a risk, and that is why hunters were brought to their highest level.

Saturday, August 22, 2009
History was truly made today with day one of the ASG/Software Solution USHJA International Hunter Derby Finals!

To see so many of the nations’s top hunters compete over one of the most amazing courses that I have ever seen making it a unique experience. The horses raised the bar with their style and athletic jumping ability. It is so hard to believe that in two years of planning we were here today watching the Grand Prix of Hunters.

Anyone who appreciates the art of hunters would be so proud of amount of horsemanship, skill and brilliance that was displayed before the crowd. The setting could not have been more beautiful with the creative natural course with the lake in the background.

Exhibitors were raving about the class and they were saying it was so refreshing to have such great panels of judges. As chairman of the USHJA High Performance Hunter Committee I feel that this class has entered the future while honoring the past.

Ron Danta runs Beaver River Farm in Camden, S.C., with his partner, Danny Robertshaw. They also have helped over 1,700 dogs find new homes through Danny and Ron’s Rescue.

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