As she canters around the curve, she maintains her horse’s balance, asking for the same steady canter all the way to the next fence. Lexi’s strong position enables her to ride exercises like this in a half seat. If you find it more comfortable to lower your seat into the saddle at this point, that’s perfectly acceptable.
Here’s the payoff for all that careful planning. The six strides ride perfectly, bringing Lexi and her horse to an ideal takeoff spot. The result is a nice square jump.
Julie, 57, owns and operates the 150-acre facility in Reno, Nevada, and is a judge, clinician, trainer and industry leader who is rarely in one place for long, logging tens of thousands of air miles traveling the country to teach and judge.
Elena brings in two horses who have spent the night in turnout. She’s learned that a critical part of horse care is knowing how to properly handle horses, being observant of surroundings and checking fencing, water and footing. She also notes that the horses have shoes when turned out and when they come in. She’s learned to consider blanketing choices each day, checking the weather forecast and discussing whether blankets need to be switched at lunchtime or can remain on all day.
Elena audits and participates in Maplewood’s Young Horse Trainer School, where for six days she observes clinicians Linda Allen, Jose Alejos and Mauricio Benavente at work.
Elena observes farrier Dean Tsuda as Dardam Q is reshod. During this time Elena is encouraged to ask questions while also providing information to Dean about how Dardam is feeling and going under saddle to keep the lines of communication open.
Elena grooms Dardam Q. Thorough grooming is emphasized in the program, not only how and why but also the proper order of each task. Maplewood’s system is expected to be learned and followed for the safety and well-being of humans and horses alike.
Elena helps veterinarian Chrysann Collatos while she evaluates and treats a horse who is exhibiting resistance to the bit. An impacted molar is discovered during the examination. Elena will document this experience on her day sheet and in her journal.
Elena jumps 4-year-old Lightning in a lesson with Andrew, where they focus on rhythm and straightness while practicing gymnastic exercises.