Ten eventing enthusiasts are another step closer to winning an exclusive day of private training with a five-star eventer thanks to Practical Horseman’s “Win a Clinic with Buck Davidson” contest, in partnership with ADM Animal Nutrition. One lucky winner will receive the grand prize: a personalized clinic at their barn or another suitable facility for themselves and up to nine of their friends. The winner and their friends will also receive prize packs from ADM Animal Nutrition including Inside Tract, ACES, Forage First GS, and GROSTRONG mineral.

The 10 finalists selected are Jamie Carleton, Gigi Kreibich, Trish Ray, Meredith Johanson, Melissa Hamlett, Tiffany Morey, Krista Wilson, Leonora Huynh-Watkins, Sheryl Kelley and Amy Lear. Each were chosen from more than 160 total entries based on the uniqueness of their essays.
“We received wonderful, thoughtful essays from riders and trainers entering our Win A Day with Buck Davidson contest,” said Practical Horseman’s Content Director Sandra Oliynyk. “They showed us that there are many people dedicated to learning and growing as horse people and riders. That was particularly evident in the essays of our top-10 finalists.”
All of these finalists submitted videos introducing themselves, their friends and their horses. The grand prize winner will be announced at a later date.