The Renvers: Haunches Out

Lauren Sprieser explains how to ride this helpful movement and understand its purpose and benefits.

The shoulder-in’s fickle and elusive cousin, the renvers, positions the horse’s body in a similar way relative to the rail, but asks him to bend in the opposite direction. In a correctly ridden renvers, the horse’s shoulders move to the inside, off the rail, while the haunches continue to travel along the rail. Unlike the shoulder-in, however, where the bend is toward the inside of the riding arena, the horse’s body bends toward the outside of the arena in the renvers, and his chest faces forward, at a right angle to the long side. Whereas the shoulder-in is performed on three tracks, the renvers is performed on four tracks. The horse’s front legs follow their own individual tracks, which are both to the inside of the two tracks of the hind legs (see diagram, below). The angle his body makes with the rail should be about 35 degrees.

For more on the shoulder-in, check out Lauren Sprieser’s article, “Where Real Dressage Begins: The Shoulder-In.”

More simply put, renvers is the same as a haunches-in, or travers, ridden on the opposite side of the arena. For example, when tracking to the right, the shape of your horse’s body in a renvers (called a “renvers left,” because the horse’s body is bent to the left) is basically the same as it is in a haunches-in performed when tracking left (“travers left”).

While your horse’s body position in the renvers and travers is identical, the execution of the renvers makes it a more challenging movement. Out of habit, he’ll want to assume a bend toward the inside of the arena. You have to work harder to keep him balanced when asking him to bend to the outside instead, thus separating the direction of bend from the direction of travel. Correctly executing a renvers, therefore, is an exercise in control over your horse’s whole body.

A) Shoulder-in (tracking right) is ridden with a slight but uniform bend around the rider’s inside leg, maintaining an angle of about 30 degrees. It is ridden on three tracks, and the horse is bent away from the direction he is moving. B) Renvers Left (tracking right) positions the horse in a similar way to shoulder-in relative to the rail, but asks him to bend in the opposite direction. Renvers is ridden on four tracks. C) Haunches-In/travers LEFT (tracking left) is the same as a renvers, but it is ridden on the opposite side of the arena.
D) Half-pass (tracking right) is a variation of travers (haunches-in) and is ridden on a diagonal line instead of a line that is parallel to the long wall.

Renvers is nowhere to be found in the FEI tests or eventing dressage tests. It makes only one appearance in the 2019 U.S. Equestrian Federation dressage tests—in Third Level, Test 2. But don’t take renvers for granted. It’s a movement that will set you up for canter half-pass zigzags and prove to be a useful tool for teaching clean flying changes.

See also: “Lauren Sprieser’s Tips for Clean Lead Changes in Dressage”

Why love the renvers? It’s a tricky movement to ride well in and of itself: tricky to enter, tricky to exit and tricky to not end up wandering off the rail. It’s also deliciously tricky to transition into and out of the renvers from the shoulder-in (see photos, below). When you feel like you can go back and forth between these two movements at the trot, you’ll know your horse is really honest in his uphill and upright balance. Being able to successfully transition from shoulder-in to renvers without his body wiggling around during the change of bend demonstrates tremendous control of his midsection and shoulders. It particularly shows your ability to encourage him to lift both the right and left sides of his rib cage to produce equally good bends to the right and left, respectively. When you can address the sides of the horse this way and influence his ability to lift them individually, it becomes much easier to ask him to lift both sides simultaneously, to produce more engaged and collected work, such as pirouettes, flying changes, steeper lateral work (such as half-passes ridden on a more angled track across the arena, thus requiring more dramatic leg cross-over), and even piaffe and passage.

In the canter, the renvers is a terrific tool to help address problems with the flying changes. Many horses like to change late behind (change leads in the hind legs after changing leads in the front legs, instead of changing them at the same time). When you ask your horse to adopt renvers before initiating a flying change, he has a clearer path to jump the new inside hind leg up under his body in the change. For example, if you’re cantering on the right lead and perform a renvers left—bringing his shoulders in off the rail and bending his body to the left—his right hind leg will be positioned more under his body, making it easier to control, and his left hind leg will be bearing less of his body weight, and thus more able to jump up and forward during the change to the left lead. This position also makes it just a bit harder for his front legs to jump off the ground, so they’re less likely to change ahead of the hind legs. Together, these effects result in a cleaner change.

The control gained by mastering renvers can also be helpful in improving the canter half-pass zigzags required at the upper levels, in which you half-pass in one direction, then make a flying change before half-passing in the other direction. Changing the bend before changing the lead helps your horse position himself correctly for the direction of the next half-pass. It can also help horses who want to “jump the gun” in the zigzag and change leads too soon; when you can successfully change the bend and directionality of the shoulders in the canter before executing the change, it encourages patience—and demonstrates great obedience—in your horse.

About Lauren Sprieser

Amy K. Dragoo/AIMMEDIA

Originally from Oak Brook, Illinois, Lauren Sprieser made her first foray into international-level dressage at the age of 18, under the tutelage of Lendon Gray. She competed in three North American Junior & Young Rider Championships, winning two team medals, and three U.S. Equestrian Federation Young Adult “Brentina Cup” National Championships, and earned her U.S. Dressage Federation gold, silver and bronze medals—all before her 21st birthday. Now running her own business, Sprieser Sporthorse, in Marshall, Virginia, she produces FEI horses and trains riders of all levels and disciplines. She and her most recent Grand Prix partner, Ellegria, earned top Grand Prix and Freestyle placings at the 2015 and 2016 USDF Finals and third place at the 2016 CDI**** World Cup Test Event in Omaha. 

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