George at the Biltmore, NC

Yesterday, I spoke with Kelly Sigler, who I met this summer while filming at the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC. Kelly is a Parelli instructor and teaches natural horsemanship, among other things, to students at the Biltmore Equestrian Center. It is always great to hear from people that we meet in our travels, and I am always curious to hear how the horses that we have met along the way have progressed in their training.

George, a thoroughbred and former racehorse, was Kelly’s first horse. We interviewed Kelly and learned more about George and his progress. Kelly’s and George’s story is a great one, because both of them have come such a long way – together!

When Kelly talked to me yesterday, she said that George is really sick. He is in the hospital and they are running many tests to see what is wrong. They are not sure that he will recover.

Kelly has asked us to put up a video of her and George, as many of her friends and family members around the country have George in their thoughts and prayers.

The video that we have cut, like many of the videos that we place online, is unique. The footage will not be in our Equitrekking series on television, so you can’t see it anywhere else.

The video of Kelly and George shows the special bond that each of us have with our horses. And what a wonderful bond it is! I am happy to put up George and Kelly as our first new video clip from our summer travels. More to come, but as you watch this, we hope that you will send good thoughts their way. I, and the rest of my Equitrekking team, are all hoping for George’s speedy recovery.

Learn more about Equitrekking on PBS and learn about exceptional equestrian vacations at, including a luxury equestrian vacation at Biltmore.

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