UXU Ranch- Spectacular Ride

It was another beautiful day at UXU Ranch in Wyoming. I am sitting on the front porch of my cabin writing this. We did what is called the spectacular ride this morning, rightly called because of the spectacular views.

I rode Tiny again, who helped me climb up to 8000 feet to the top of a ridge. We were literally up in the clouds. It was a challenging ride with steep, rocky and narrow trails. The horses have to be in really good shape to do this ride.

Tuff rode his Paint as well and Tara took out her mustang, who actually used to be live in the wild. Someone prior to her had been training the mare and now she is working with her as well.

From the ranch, we rode down and across the North Fork of the Shoshone River. Tuff gave us some good tips on crossing a fast moving river like the Shoshone on horseback. The cold water splashed up onto my cowboy boots and pants leg as we ventured onward.

We headed up, up and up to a ridge where the ranch below looked like a spec and we could see Yellowstone and snow capped mountains in the distance.

Tuff, UXU’s owner and an avid cowboy, rode with us, as did his daughter Tara. Both had great tips for navigating the mountain trails. Our gourmet dinner got moved inside because of some rain, so we’ll have to hear the cowboy poet in the lodge. I am looking forward to it and am certainly hungry.

Stay tuned for a pack trip outside of Jackson!

Learn more about Equitrekking on PBS and the Wyoming episode and learn about exceptional equestrian vacations, including ranch vacations, at EquitrekkingTravel.com.

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