Ask a Pro: Dr. Tracy Turner, DVM

We asked our featured equine veterinarian, Dr. Tracy Turner, what his thoughts were on several popular healthcare topics.

Dr. Tracy Turner, DVM

Tracy Turner was raised on a small ranch in southwestern Colorado. As a youth he was active in the local 4-H Horse Program. As a young adult he apprenticed with a farrier in 1972 and used those skills to help finance his education. From that time on he has dedicated his life to horses. He received his DVM degree from Colorado State University in 1978, after which he was able to pursue his interest in equine medicine and surgery. He is board certified in Veterinary Surgery (Dipl.ACVS) and Equine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation (Dipl.ACVSMR). He served on the faculty of the University of Illinois, University of Florida and the University of Minnesota. He joined Anoka Equine Clinic in 2004 and started his own practice in 2016 dedicated strictly to Sports Medicine, Lameness, and Surgery. Dr. Turner has consulted for the USDA Horse Protection, Federation Equestriene Internationale (FEI) and United States Equestrian Federation. Dr. Turner has had the privilege of working at 4 Pan America Games, 2 Olympic Games and at 2 World Equestrian Games. He has been selected to work at the upcoming Olympic Games in Tokyo.

Dr. Turner is a member of the Am Vet Med Assoc (AVMA), the Am Assoc of Equine Practioners (AAEP), the Minnesota Assoc of Equine Practitioners (MAEP), the Am Farrier’s Assoc (AFA), the American Association of Professional Farriers and the Minnesota Farrier’s Assoc (MnFA). Dr. Turner has served as chairman of the AAEP’s Farrier Liaison Committee and has served on the AAEP Foundation Advisory Council, the Education committee and served on the AAEP Board of Directors. He is a past president of the MAEP.

Dr. Turner has been active in the horse community. He served 2 terms on the Board of Directors of the Central States Dressage and Combined Training Association. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Minnesota Horse Council since 2002 and is presently serving his seventh term as President.

Turner Equine Sports Medicine and Surgery started in 2016 and provides specialized veterinary care in the greater Minneapolis area. The practice was founded upon Dr. Turner’s expertise in lameness diagnosis and surgery. The practice is completely mobile allowing Dr. Turner to practice in major hospitals as well as on the farm. It is limited in its scope of practice dealing only with sports issues such as lameness and orthopedic surgery.

The Equitarian Initiative was co-founded by Dr. Turner’s wife, Dr. Julie Wilson, DVM. The mission of EI is to prepare volunteer veterinarians worldwide to deliver health care and education to improve the health, nutrition, productivity and welfare of horses, donkeys and mules, and to empower their care providers for sustainable change. EI has projects in Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Morocco and South Dakota reservations. Dr. Turner has participated in projects in Mexico, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua and Peru. Visit the website

Ask a Pro Q1: Hoof Care and Packing

When sitting down today with Dr. Tracy Turner, the topic of hoof care was brought up. Dr. Turner is pretty straight forward when it comes to hoof care and prefers to keep it simple. Click here to read his take on hoof care building blocks.

Ask a Pro Q2: Wound Care 

Dr. Tracy Turner, has seen many wounds in his many years of treating high level performance and sport horses. He shared with us his thoughts on how to go about wound care with an insightful, eco-friendly perspective here.

Ask a Pro Q3: Supplements for the Body 

Supplements and joint health have always been major points of conversation in every equine circle. What’s healthy and good for the equine body, and what’s not? We brought this up with Dr. Tracy Turner, who specializes in equine lameness, to hear his professional opinion.

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