My horse’s own sire, *Shaklans Padron NA. My gelding has such a wonderful combination of beauty, athleticism and character that it’s hard to imagine finding another to replace him. I would take a sibling in a heartbeat!
Joy Koepke, Kentucky

My current horse is a gelding, but if I owned a mare, I would want to breed her to Inspiration, a stallion at my ranch. He not only has great looks but he’s a great mover with a wonderful temperament.
Ellen Mohler, California
I would have to bend the rules a bit. My beloved pony, Spunky Monkey, is a 28-year-old gelding. If he were a stallion, however, I would breed any mare to him. At only 12 hands, he is a small pony, so I would love to have a younger, larger version of him to ride in coming years. The mare I would chose is eventer Headley Britannia, ridden by Lucinda Fredericks. I think the combination of an outstanding eventer and a small, clever pony would make an amazing horse, not only for children, but smaller adult riders as well. Of course, the foal would have to be named Spunky Britannia (filly) or Headley Monkey (colt)!
Grace Sauter, Washington State
Cindy Craig-Kirk, via Facebook
Bucephalus for sure!
Krista Strehle, via Facebook
I would breed my awesome racing-bred Quarter Horse mare to Seabiscuit. They would compliment each other well, and I think their offspring would be something to marvel at.
Jenn Copp, Vermont
Stephanie Bennett, Maryland
Secretariat?hands down! Best horse EVER.
Gina Tiernan, via Facebook
Secretariat. I may not be old enough to have watched him race in person, but I have seen every piece of video I can find and stared at every picture of him I can pull up. I have loved him since I was a kid, and he is the reason I fell in love with Thoroughbreds. He had more heart than any other horse I’ve ever seen. My absolute dream is to own one of his offspring.
Stephanie Klebes, Massachusetts
Secretariat! He was the best horse ever. I wasn’t alive when he was, but he was awesome!
Michaela Moore, Virginia
Betsy Edwards, Virginia
Bucephalus, totally!!! There’s a frieze showing him and Alexander the Great in one of their battles with the Persians and in the midst of all the fighting his ear is swiveled right back towards Alexander, paying attention and ready to do his part. The artist’s rendering of the horse’s expression is wonderful.
Samantha Hetherington Cassetta, via Facebook
Gem Twist. Too bad he was a gelding. On an up note there is always his clone. Maybe they won’t geld him!
Ashley Shepherd Vaughn, via Facebook
Tracy Bright, via Facebook
Theodore (Teddy) O’Connor!
Carla Kenyon, Oregon
I would breed to the best stallion in the history of stallions “Latin Life”! He is my trainers (Laura Dwyers) stallion. He is a 16-year-old Oldenburg who was horse of the year in 2006 and just got sixth competing at Intermediaire 1 at USDF Championships. She loves him and he loves her. They respect each other and learn from each other everyday. She raised him and will have him forever. He has many, many babies and I would be honored to have one/breed for one but my only problem is my horse is a gelding.
Meghan Ricketts, California
If no one breeds responsibly to improve horse breeds, we won’t have any quality horses in 10 years time. My pick?not sure if he was a stallion?I have to go with the horse that got me into the original long format 3-day ? Murphy Himself.
Shannon Reynolds, Arizona
Bold Ruler to Somethingroyal.
Kim Cronenwett, Ohio
If he were a stallion, I’d pick Gifted, my favorite US dressage horse. I met him (and Carol Lavell) in Washington, DC. She said he was so sensitive he didn’t like to be touched. Carol left my trainer and me alone with him while she did something. I wanted to touch him so badly, but I knew he wouldn’t like it. When they were in the arena, everyone was so quiet, I could hear his tail swish
Wanda J. Silas, North Carolina
Cavalier Royale.
Ali Welch, Louisiana
Clinton by Corrado.
Jen Arevalo, California
I would breed to Hickstead.
Sally Spickard, Missouri
Tjimme 275 as sire and Oege as damsire or vice versa, because of the hair, the sweet temperament, the hair, the curvy Baroque build, the hair and the jumping talent.
Amanda Kirk, Massachusetts
Today’s science has proven time and time again that good breeding depends on the discipline, conformation needed and the right mindset for the job. With new genetic understanding, we hopefully can begin to plan to breed using genetics for those three issues, preventing career-ending injuries and destructive behaviors for all disciplines. What a day that will be!
Janice Griny?r, Montana
If I had a top-quality Thoroughbred mare, I would definitely breed her to Dr. Fager. The Doc raced at 2, 3 and 4 years old, achieving his greatest campaign at age 4. That year, 1968, he earned four championships: Horse of the Year, Handicap Horse, Sprinter and Turf Horse. No other horse has accomplished this.
Sue Sefscik, Florida
It would have to be Milton because he was the best. He looked a lot like one of my ponies who passed away. Milton is my horse role model for his efforts and love for jumping.
Bonnie McLean, Maryland
I would breed Zenyatta to Galoubet.
Rosalie Giordano Oliver, Massachusetts
Read more answers to this question in the January 2012 issue of Practical Horseman magazine.