Practical Horseman and Dressage Today Launch Training with the Stars: Win a Day with Boyd and Silva Martin

September 18, 2015–Ever dreamed of working with two of the most respected trainers in the eventing and dressage communities? Would you love to get a lesson from someone who recently helped the U.S. team win a gold medal at the Pan-American Games? And what about a Grand Prix dressage rider and instructor who passed her Bereiter exam with an “excellent” mark in her native Germany? Here’s your opportunity!

Practical Horseman and Dressage Today, in partnership with Purina®, want to give you a chance to win a clinic for you and up to nine of your friends with Olympic eventer Boyd Martin and his wife, renowned dressage rider and coach Silva Martin. This isn’t just any clinic—Boyd and Silva will come to you!

To enter, write an essay of 250 words or less describing why you deserve to win the clinic. To submit your entry, visit or Ten finalists will be selected to submit five-minute videos of themselves and their horses, and a winner will be chosen from among the finalists. Boyd and Silva will give the personalized clinic at the winner’s barn or a suitable local facility.

“At Practical Horseman, we strive to provide our readers with riding lessons in print,” says Editor Sandra Oliynyk. “This contest allows us to offer an in-person lesson with Boyd and Silva, successful trainers with solid foundations in their respective disciplines of eventing and dressage. We are very pleased to give a lucky winner this once-in-a-lifetime experience riding with them.”

 “We are very excited to offer this special opportunity to our readers,” says Dressage Today editor Jennifer Mellace. “Cross training with cavallettis and small jumps can be very beneficial for a dressage horse and his rider. With Silva and Boyd’s combined experience, this clinic is sure to be a fantastic training opportunity for our chosen winner.”

The contest is now open and will close on November 20, 2015. For more information and to enter, go to and Live registrations will also be available during Dressage at Devon and at the Fair Hill International Three Star events.

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