Magic Cushion® Lineup with Danny Ingratta

Team Millar's head groom Danny Ingratta explains and demonstrates two different methods of packing a horse's hoof.

Team Millar’s head groom Danny Ingratta explains and demonstrates two different methods of packing a horse’s hoof. The first way utilizes plastic wrap and duct tape to keep the Magic Cushion® in place. He also then shows how to easily remove the wrap with a hoof pick. The second method to pack the foot is even simpler. After the Magic Cusion® is applied, it can be covered in shavings, which creates a barrier between the Magic Cusion® and the environment. Then removing it is as simple as picking the horse’s hoof.

About Danny Ingratta

Danny Ingratta is the head groom at Millar Brooke Farm. His love and passion for the horses and the sport is what allows him to achieve greatness. He studied Animal Biology at the University of Guelph, and in 2013 won the Royal Groom award at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. Ingratta has travelled all over the world with Team Millar and groomed at some of the most prestigious shows worldwide, including going as Amy Millar’s groom to the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio with Heros.

Have you seen these other Team Millar videos?

Stride Control with Ian Millar
The ShowSheen Lineup with Caden Hill
The Mental Side of Show Jumping with Amy Millar
Lunging Your Horse Safely and Effectively with Ian Millar

Learn all year from the show jumping experts at Team Millar. Check back every month for more Team Millar Tips brought to you by Absorbine!

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