Solutions: How To Achieve an Uphill Half-Halt

Visualize how to achieve an uphill half-halt with this tip from Grand Prix rider Chrissa Hoffmann

To achieve an uphill half-halt …

Remember that it’s not just about closing your legs and reins at the same time. You also need to rebalance the energy with your seat. Imagine you are on a bicycle and are about to pop a wheelie. Engage your abdominal muscles, lift your chest and still your lower back to lift the front wheels of the bicycle up off the ground. In the saddle, this same feeling tells the horse to lower his hindquarters and lift his front end—just like the front of the bicycle lifts off the ground. 

Illustration by Sandy Rabinowitz

Chrissa Hoffmann is an international Grand Prix rider who was long-listed for the USET in 2009. She is a USDF bronze, silver and gold medalist. She also owns and operates CFH Dressage located in Vero Beach, Florida.

This article originally appeared in the Summer 2020 issue of Practical Horseman. 

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